in CAS News, Featured

Dear Albert:

Another year has come and gone, but one thing remains constant: Your NYSTRS retirement remains safe and secure. Whether you are one of the more than 163,000 members already receiving a benefit or one of the nearly 265,000 others who look forward to a future benefit, our dedicated staff works hard to ensure your needs are met.

Our mission is to provide members with a secure pension and our passion is to provide exceptional customer service throughout your membership. Both require us to consistently evaluate how we operate, and to seek new and better ways of serving you.

In 2018, look for a redesigned and more compact Benefit Profile, a personalized document produced annually for active members. Also expect additional enhancements and safeguards to MyNYSTRS, a secure portal available to members.

Here are some 2017 accomplishments in which we take great pride:

  • We posted a total fund return, net of fees, of 12.5% for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2017, easily outpacing the System’s 7.5% assumed rate of return. This increased the System’s total net position to $115.5 billion.
  • The ability to apply for retirement online was added to MyNYSTRS. The soft launch occurred late in the year. Look for more details in the months ahead.
  • We paid out $6.9 billion in retirement benefits during the fiscal year, with 80% of the funds paid to New York residents. These payments fuel local economies.
  • We produced, using strictly in-house talent and resources, the first two videos in a series on NYSTRS benefits. You’ll find them in the Library at
  • A Reference tab was added to the NYSTRS mobile app, containing several documents that demonstrate NYSTRS is strong and healthy. Visit and learn more by visiting our NYSTRS by the Numbers page and our Pension Education Toolkit.

From all of us at NYSTRS, we wish you Happy Holidays and good fortune in 2018!

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NYSTRS | 10 Corporate Woods Drive, Albany, NY 12211 | 800.348.7298 | | Contact Us

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