History of the Council of Administrators and Supervisors (CAS)
In 1967, New York enacted the Public Employees’ Fair Employment Act, commonly known as the Taylor Law. Before the enactment of the Taylor Law, public employees in New York did not have the right to be represented by unions or to bargain collectively over salary, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment. Back in 1967, the average teacher salary was approximately $6,533, the class sizes in many districts were even more unmanageable than today, and tenure protections were non-existent. In 1968, the Council of Administrators and Supervisors (CAS) was created to combat the foregoing issues, becoming one of the first organizations on Long Island to represent public school employees. Consequently, for over 50 years, CAS has been the largest organization of public school administrators on Long Island.
Local unions affiliated with CAS represent administrators in most school districts here on Long Island. While the local affiliated unit is the bargaining agent for its members, CAS provides negotiation and legal services to affiliated units. Over the last 50 years, with CAS’s assistance, New York has become home to the nation’s highest average administrator and teacher salaries, with Long Island and Westchester being home to the highest salaries in the state. The average high school principal’s salary here on Long Island in 1967 was approximately $15,000; in 2020, the average high school principal’s salary was just over $190,000. Those figures far outpace salary growth in the rest of the economy over the same period.
In 2000, CAS joined forces with the Empire State School Supervisors and Administrators Association (ESSAA) to create a statewide network of over 3500 public school administrators from Montauk Point to Niagara Falls. Together, CAS and ESSAA have focused on Legal Representation, Advocacy, and Professional Development.
Over the decades, CAS has continued to see its membership grow across the Island, and our members’ needs expand. Similarly, ESSSA membership has increased across the state. In addition to providing top negotiation and legal services, CAS and ESSAA have also focused on creating member-based professional development and mentoring programs to help administrators face day-to-day challenges with confidence. During this time, CAS expanded discounted benefit plans to the membership, ranging from life insurance to cost-efficient estate planning and free retirement planning.
Meanwhile, CAS and ESSAA representatives meet regularly with the Commissioner of Education, the New York State Board of Regents, and locally elected New York State Senators and Assemblymen. CAS and ESSAA have established a respected political action wing responsible for some of the most beneficial pieces of legislation impacting public school administrators, including the recently passed legislation shortening administrative tenure.
CAS was founded on the belief that our most valuable resource will always be our members. For over 50 years, CAS has fought for every one of its members’ rights and benefits here on Lond Island and will continue to do so for the next 50.
For further information on union and CAS membership benefits, please read the CAS Membership Brochure! You can also explore the CAS website at www.casliny.com or contact us at (631) 761-5451 or via email at casinfo@caslongisland.com.