March 2024

Tony Laurino and our CAS Lobbyists at Robert Ungar and Associates have been meeting with our Assembly and Senate representatives here on Long Island and in Albany, advocating for the complete restoration of School Foundation Aid and maintenance of the Hold Harmless provisions for all school districts on Long Island. In addition, CAS has been meeting with Education Commissioner Rosa and the Long Island Education Coalition, which includes the Nassau Suffolk School Boards Association, NYSUT, and the Nassau Suffolk PTA, coordinating our opposition to the Governor’s recent proposal to cut Foundation Aid to school districts here.

We monitor the budget process and work with our legislative friends who share our position. Tony and Bob will continue to work actively in Albany over the next month with our elected officials to restore Foundation Aid and fully maintain Hold HarmlessYou can help by contacting your New York State Senator and Assemblyman to express your opposition to the Governor’s proposal to significantly reduce Foundation Aid to districts.

We encourage each CAS member to donate $50 to CAS/PAC to assist us in protecting the rights and working conditions of our members and a quality education for our students. We do not support any one party or faction. We do support you!

You can donate today by completing this CAS/PAC Payroll Deduction form and submitting it to your central office, or by donating via PayPal on the CAS website, or by sending a check to our office made out to CAS/PAC, 1300 Veterans Highway, Suite 330, Hauppauge, NY, 11788.

All my best wishes and thanks,

Skip Voorneveld

January 2024

Dear Colleagues,

I hope you enjoyed your holiday. This year, New York State legislators will consider the New York Health Act (NYHA). If it is passed, it would abolish the health plan you have with your district and replace it with a single payer, a state-run program financed by taxpayers. 

Residents with higher incomes will pay more taxes and an additional tax on capital gains.

In a single-payer system, the State oversees the pool of cash. This bill will establish a New York Trust comprised of 31 people selected by the Governor, of which only 3 will be union representatives, thus creating another layer of bureaucracy. To compensate for a lower per-person rate, it will be necessary for doctors to see more patients per day. 

For many, many years, CAS units have fought vigorously for the health plan they now have. It is imperative that every member of CAS donates $50 to CAS/PAC to assist us in our fight to defeat this bill.

CAS/PAC DONATIONS DO NOT SUPPORT ANY PARTICULAR PARTY OR FACTION. Our only concern is to represent CAS members and their families.

You can donate today by either completing this CAS/PAC Payroll Deduction form  and submitting it to your central office, or you can donate via PayPal on the CAS website at, or send a check to our office made out to CAS/PAC, 1300 Veterans Highway, Suite 330, Hauppauge, NY, 11788. 



Anthony C. Laurino, Legislative Liaison


February, 2024 NYS Education Committee Reports

February, 27th, 2024 NYS Senate Education Committee Report

February, 28th, 2024 NYS Assembly Education Committee Report


October 30th, 2023

Dear Colleagues,

This coming session, we will be tracking two bills that will affect you. The first will be a new state-wide health plan that will void your present health insurance, and the second will affect your ability to administer a safe school.

The New York State Health Care for All (A-7897)

This legislation will void the present health insurance you have with your district. It requires all residents of New York State to enroll in this plan. To fund the plan, New York State will seek waivers from the federal government to have funds from Medicare, Medicaid, Child Health Care Plus, the Basic Health Plan, The Affordable Care Act, and other federal government plans deposited in a newly created New York Health Trust. The trust will be administered by 31 appointed trustees, of which three will represent labor. Should there be a shortfall of available funds, the state will impose an additional payroll tax and a tax on capital gains. We have fought for many years and given up much for our present health insurance. Now, the state wants us to give that up for a one-size-fits-all health plan.

The second bill amends the conditions and conduct for suspension (S-1040) 

This bill lists several behaviors for which a student may not be suspended, including “willful disobedience.” This bill will require the administrator to administer “restorative practices” in lieu of suspension. Before suspending the student, the administrator must submit a written notice to the student detailing the reason for suspension and the day, date, time, and place of a formal hearing. The student has the right to have an advocate or attorney present. The district will appoint a hearing officer who will then be required to submit a written decision within three days. The student or parent may appeal the decision.

It is urgent that every member of CAS donate $50 to CAS/PAC to defeat these bills. CAS/PAC does not endorse any particular party or faction. Our goal is to keep legislators who will protect labor and quality education. We will keep you updated on these bills and, when necessary, request that you contact your Assembly person and Senator to vote no on these bills.


To donate your $50 to CAS/PAC, you can either complete a CAS PAC DUES DEDUCTION FORM and submit it to your central office, or you can donate via PayPal on the CAS website at or send a check to our office made out to CAS/PAC, 1300 Veterans Highway, Suite 330, Hauppauge, NY, 11788.




Anthony C. Laurino, Legislative Liaison

October 2023

I hope all is well with you, your students and your staff.  Bob Ungar, our lobbyist is in Albany doing whatever is necessary to keep our interests in the forefront of legislators.

If you have not made arrangements to donate $50 a year to our PAC fund, please do so today.  Your donation opens many doors for us.

You can donate with the dues deduction form below or via PayPal through our website by following this link:  You can also send a check made out to CAS PAC to our office at 1300 Veterans Highway, Suite 300, Hauppauge, NY 11788.

Thank you for your participation.  Stay safe.

Anthony Laurino
CAS Legislative Liaison

Bills We Support

ESSAA Letter in Support of A2033

June 7, 2023

We are writing to you as the attorneys representing the interests of the Empire State Supervisors and Administrators Association (ESSAA). Our union strongly supports Assembly Bill 2033, which is currently pending in the New York State Assembly, and we believe this legislation is critical in addressing the urgent need for qualified mental health professionals in our PK-12 public school system. Given the importance and urgency of this matter, we respectfully request that you take immediate action to release Assembly Bill 2033 to the Rules Committee.

Assembly Bill 2033 presents a comprehensive solution to the current shortage of licensed school psychologists by providing for their licensure, establishing clear definitions for the practice of school psychology, and setting forth rigorous requirements for professional licensure. One of the most salient aspects of this bill is the provision for the issuance of limited permits under specific circumstances. This allows emerging professionals to gain valuable experience while working towards full licensure, ultimately helping to fill the gap in our schools’ mental health support system.

The introduction of limited permits is an innovative strategy that stands to make a considerable impact on the availability of qualified professionals in our schools. Not only does this provision provide an avenue for professionals to gain practical experience, but it also increases the overall capacity of our school systems to provide much-needed mental health support to students and families. The increased presence of school psychologists as a result of this bill will contribute to a more equitable educational environment, especially within traditionally underserved communities.

In addition to the limited permits, the bill’s other provisions, including the clear definition of the practice of school psychology and the rigorous requirements for professional licensure, are also critical for ensuring that our students receive high-quality mental health support from competent and qualified professionals.

Furthermore, we believe that Assembly Bill 2033’s passage is essential in the context of the ongoing discussion surrounding Senate Bill 1040, known as the “Judith Kaye School Solutions not Suspensions Act.” The proposed reforms to school discipline policies, as outlined in Senate Bill 1040, cannot be fully realized without a concomitant increase in the presence of qualified mental health professionals in our schools, a need that Assembly Bill 2033 directly addresses.

Given the importance and urgency of this matter, we respectfully request that you take immediate action to release Assembly Bill 2033 to the Rules Committee. Your support for this legislation will make a meaningful difference in the lives of our students and families, and we urge you to act swiftly in facilitating its passage.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to your positive response.


Mr. Michael A. Starvaggi, Esq. Mr. Robert Saperstein, Esq. Mr. Brad A. Stuhler, Esq.
Ms. Karen Khanzadian, Esq. Mr. Paul A. Pagano, Esq.

Attorneys for Empire State Supervisors & Administrators Association (ESSAA)

An act to amend the labor law, in relation to developing and implement-
ing programs to prevent workplace violence in public schools

This bill amends section 27-b of the Labor Law to include public schools
within the provisions of current law designed to require public employ-
ers to develop and implement programs to prevent workplace violence.


An amendment is made within section 27-b of the Labor law. EXISTING LAW
In 2006, public schools were excluded as an ’employer’ based on an
established amendment within the Labor law. Since public schools are
excluded as an employer, they do not have to develop and implement work-
place violence protection programs.
Workplace violence is an increasingly visible element in today’s work-
places. This bill would assist both employers and employees in ensuring
a safe work environment.

Workplace violence is now one of the leading causes of death on the job
in the United States and the leading cause of workplace fatalities for
women. Enactment of this bill would require school districts, with at
least 20 full-time permanent employees, to develop and implement
programs to prevent workplace violence, must evaluate the potential
risks of workplace violence that exist within their workplaces, and then
develop and implement a written workplace violence prevention program to
prevent and minimize the hazard of workplace violence to their employ-

Violence is a substantial contributor to occupational injury and death,
and homicide has become the second leading cause of occupational injury
death. Each week, an average of 20 workers are murdered and 18,000 are
assaulted while at work or on duty. Nonfatal assaults result in millions
of lost workdays and cost workers millions of dollars in lost wages.
Workplace violence is clustered in certain occupational settings, for
example, the retail trade and service industries account for more than
half of workplace homicides and 85% of nonfatal workplace assaults.
Taxicab drivers have the highest risk of workplace homicides of any
occupational group. Workers in health care, community services, and
retail settings are at increased risk of nonfatal assaults. Risk factors
for workplace violence include dealing with the public, the exchange of
money, and the delivery of services or goods, prevention strategies for
minimizing the risk of workplace violence include (but are not limited
to) cash-handling policies, physical separation of workers from custom-
ers, good lighting, security devices, escort services, and employee

A workplace violence prevention program should include a system for
documenting incidents, procedures to be taken in the event of incidents,
and open communication between employers and workers. 1/2

5/25/23, 2:35 PM Read Bill – SB 1746 – (Unknown)


Fiscal implications of $287,000 for the Department of Labor and the
hiring of three new inspectors.


This act shall take effect on the one hundred twentieth day after it
shall have become a law, with provisions

Read Bill – SB 1746 – As Filed.pdf

September 2019

As you prepare for the 2019-2020 school year, I urge you to consider the importance of CAS’s Political Action Committee (“PAC”) fund. This is the political arm of our organization and provides our Legislative Liaison, Tony Laurino and Lobbyist, Bob Ungar, the necessary funds to represent effectively our interests in Albany. We are requesting $50.00 per member per year. This can be accomplished with the dues deduction form attached or via PayPal through our website by following this link:

Last year our legal staff and legislative team rewrote the administrative tenure bill, which authorizes a tenured administrator who moves from one district to another to serve a three-year probationary period instead of four. We navigated this bill through the State Assembly and Senate with near-unanimous votes in both Houses.  The bill has been sent to the Governor’s office for signature.

In the next legislative session, which will begin in January 2020, we will be supporting certain legislative bills and vigorously opposing others. Our legislative team will monitor the Governor’s education proposals in his State of the State Address in January 2020. Below are the education issues we have been following and will continue to meet with legislators to explain our rationale.

Home-schooled students’ participation in interscholastic sports
We are OPPOSED to legislation which would allow home-schooled students to participate in interscholastic sports. The present law requires a student to participate in three courses plus physical education to participate in interscholastic sports. Home-schooled students will not be held to the same standards. Also, if this legislation passes, it could open the door to non-public school students and private school student’s participation.

Charter Schools
We remain OPPOSED to the expansion of Charter Schools and funding them with public funds. We are, however, in favor of more state oversight of the schools presently charted and requiring them to enroll the same percentage of ESL students and students with disabilities as the local public schools.

Legislation of the recreational use of marijuana
We are OPPOSED to the legalization of the retail sale of marijuana. Surveys in states that have legalized the use of marijuana show growth in the use of marijuana among 12 to 17-year-old to be above the national average. We remain concerned about the unanticipated costs related to public education, healthcare, treatment for addiction, and traffic accidents.

In September and October, our legislative team will meet with the leaders of the State Senate and Assembly to discuss our recommendations for an equitable increase in the upcoming budget for state aid.

Past CAS PAC donations have given us creditability among our legislators and presented us with an opportunity to have meaningful discussions to hear our concerns and protect our school communities. We hope you will support us in sustaining this progress as we work to protect the interests of our members.


Anthony C. Laurino
CAS Legislative Liaison

June 13, 2019

Memorandum in Opposition to Legislation (A706-A and S5472-A) Permitting Home-Schooled Students to Participate in District Interscholastic Sports 

We oppose the proposed legislation to allow home-schooled children in New York State to participate in public school district interscholastic sports.  Current law requires students to be enrolled in three courses plus physical education to be eligible to represent their school in interscholastic sports.  Thus, public school students who participate in the school community every day will continue to be required to meet the Education Department’s eligibility standards while home-schooled students will not be held by the same standards.  This, we believe, is inherently unfair. In addition, if passed, the legislation could open the door to inclusion non-public and other private school students’ access to interscholastic programs.

Fair competition is a crucial factor in interscholastic sports that is currently based, and should remain based, on student enrollment.  If a school were to allow home-school students to participate in interscholastic sports that school would have an unfair advantage over neighboring schools.

Passage of this legislation would also mean that a small school with a high home-school population would be placed in a higher classification requiring them to compete with larger schools.  Because the State does not have an accurate account of how many home-schooled students are enrolled in any given district, it is impossible to predict how what the real impact of the legislation would be, and we do not recommend passage of any law without foreknowledge of its consequences.

This legislation would erode the integrity of the classification system. And potentially cause injury to students.

Keep the playing field level!  Oppose these bills proposing to allow home-schooled students to participate in district interscholastic sports. Contact your Assembly and Senate representatives to voice your concerns.

Tony Laurino
Legislative Liaison

June 4, 2019

CAS/ESSAA Administrator, Supervisors

Tenure legislation passes Senate

Yesterday our bill granting a three-year probationary period, not four, for administrators, supervisors, etc. who move from one district to another passed the Senate 55-0.  Assemblyman Mike Benedetto, Chair of Assembly Education Committee is expected to send a “same as” to the assembly within the next week.

Charter Schools

State Democrats are fighting the expansion and funding, in many areas, of Charter schools with four bills.

One bill would give a substantial number of community school districts in New York City a veto power to block the opening of any new Charter school within their borders.

A second measure would block Charter schools from expanding beyond the grade levels with which they started.

A third bill would prohibit Charter schools form using public funds to rent space in private buildings.

The fourth bill would boost oversight of Charter schools and make it easier for officials to shut them down.  Charter schools would also be required to enroll the same percentage of special-needs students as those in nearly traditional public schools.  Failure to do so would cost a Charter school its public funding.

Assemblyman Mike Benedetto introduced all bills after they were introduced in the Senate.

Governor Cuomo, with the assistance of the past Republican Senate, was able to raise the number of Charter schools in 2007 and 2010.  Early in this session the Governor said he would like to raise the number of Charter schools in New York State.  At this stage it seems very unlikely given the mood of both the Democratic Senate and Assembly.

Anthony C. Laurino
CAS Legislative Liaison

March 21, 2019

You may recall that last year CAS/ESSAA wrote legislation proposing tenured administrators, supervisors, etc. who move from one school district to another will be eligible for a three-year probationary period, not four. The bill passed both houses but was vetoed by the Governor in December.

This year our CAS/ESSAA legal staff and legislative aides rewrote the bill taking the Governor’s objections into consideration. Bob Ungar, our lobbyist, and I have met with Senator Shelly Mayer, Senate Education Committee Chairperson, to review and explain the bill. Senate Mayer put the bill before the Education Committee on Tuesday, March 5th where it was passed and sent to the Senate floor. We also met with Assemblyman Mike Benedetto, Assembly Education Chairperson, who will put the bill before his Committee. Either Assembly Chair Benedetto or Assemblyman Peter Abbate will sponsor the bill in the Assembly while Assemblyman Mike DenDekker has graciously agreed to co-sponsor it in the Assembly.

Before legislation is passed on to a Committee all organizations affected by the bill are given an opportunity to comment and make suggestions. Currently, we are working with NYSUT, NYSSBA, and NYSCSS to refine the wording of our bill. The minor suggestions to this point have in no way changed the substance of the law. Our attorneys are presently working with other labor groups to determine if they see the need for any add additional edits.

On this visit to Albany, our primary objective was to revise and resubmit the administrator tenure legislation. Also, Bob, who is in Albany every day the legislators are in session, has been stressing our stated concerns regarding the legalization of the recreational adult use of marijuana and advocating for limiting student access to e-cigarettes.

While both houses consider passing the tenure bill, we both will continue lobbying against legalizing marijuana and for establishing limits on e-cigarettes and flavored components.

Anthony C. Laurino
CAS Legislative Liaison

January 23, 2019

Meet Assemblyman Michael Benedetto, Chair of the Assembly Education Committee

(D) NY Assembly District 82, Bronx

Michael R. Benedetto was born in the Bronx in 1947 and has lived his entire life in Northeast Bronx. He attended local Catholic primary and secondary schools, and in 1969 he graduated from Iona College with a B. A. degree in History/Education. While a student at Iona College he served as President of the Student Council and was listed in Who’s Who in American Colleges. In 1971, he earned a M.A. in Social Studies/Education.

Assemblyman Benedetto spent his entire 35 years in teaching on the elementary and secondary school level. From 1969 to 1974 he taught at Our Lady of Assumption School in the Pelham Bay section of the Bronx. In 1974 he joined the New York Public School system as a teacher of mentally and physically challenged children. In 1977 he was assigned to P.S. 160, The Walt Disney School, in Co-op City in the Bronx and in 1988 he became a coordinator of the special education unit. He remained at P.S. 160 for almost 28 years until being elected to the State Assembly in 2004.

While with the New York City schools, Assemblyman Benedetto ran the first “very special” Olympics for multiply handicapped children; became an “in-service” instructor, teaching other teachers about special education; and served as a member of local School District #11 Mainstreaming and SEALL training committees. The Assemblyman also worked as a mentor teacher and taught in his schools’ talented and gifted program.

Assemblyman Benedetto has received numerous awards for his achievements in education. In 1987, he received the New York Lung Association award for contributions to preventing children from smoking. In 1992 he received an award from the New York City adaptive physical education department for efforts on behalf of that program. In 1993 he received the FIAME (Federation of Italian-American Educators) Excellence in Teaching Award. He also received New York State and Congressional Citations applauding his teaching achievements. The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) presented Mr. Benedetto with a citation for service to the cause of teacher unionism.

In addition to outstanding accomplishments in his career, he has made a huge impact on his community. For example, in 1969, Assemblyman Benedetto started the Throgs Neck Community Players community theater group and served as a member of Community Planning Board #10 from 1975-1979. In 1981 he started the Bronx Times Reporter newspaper which has become the largest community paper in the Bronx.

As a Legislator, Assemblyman Benedetto has focused on educational and child protection issues and has been an ardent supporter of union rights.            

District Office

3602 E. Tremont Ave.
Suite 201
Bronx, NY 10465

Meet Senator Shelley Mayer, Chair of the Senate Education Committee


(D, WF) NY Senate District 37, Westchester

Shelley Mayer has spent her career as an advocate for New Yorkers.She is an experienced and progressive leader. In an April 2018 Special Election, she was elected to the New York State Senate representing the 37th Senate District, which includes the Cities of Yonkers, White Plains, New Rochelle, and Rye; the Towns of Bedford, Eastchester, Harrison, Mamaroneck, North Castle, and Rye; and the Villages of Bronxville, Larchmont, Mamaroneck, Port Chester, Rye Brook, and Tuckahoe.  She was elected to the New York State Assembly in a special election on March 20, 2012 and subsequently re-elected November 2012, 2014, and 2016 from the 90th District (Yonkers).

Shelley previously served as Chief Counsel to the New York State Senate Democrats, where she helped lead the effort to expel the disgraced Hiram Monserrate and helped draft critical legislation to reform Albany and protect taxpayers.

Prior to her election to the Assembly, Shelley was a Senior Counsel at the National State Attorney General Program at Columbia Law School, where she focused on health care and labor law rights. For over seven years, she was Vice President of Government and Community Affairs at Continuum Health Partners, one of New York City’s largest teaching hospital systems, working to protect Medicaid and Medicare services and improving the relationship between New York City’s diverse communities and the hospital system.

From 1982 to 1994, Shelley was an Assistant Attorney General in the office of New York Attorney General Bob Abrams. She served in the Civil Rights Bureau, as Chief of the Westchester Regional Office, as the legislative liaison for the Attorney General and ultimately as a senior advisor to the Attorney General. As an Assistant Attorney General, Shelley fought to protect civil rights for New Yorkers and to broaden laws protecting consumers and tenants.

Shelley received a JD from SUNY Buffalo School of Law in 1979 and a Bachelor of Arts from UCLA in 1975. Shelley has been actively involved in the Yonkers community, serving as a member of the Yonkers NAACP, Yonkers YWCA, Westchester Women’s Bar Association, and Westchester Women’s Agenda. She is a member of the Yonkers Lawyers Association, New York State Bar Association and the American Bar Association. Shelley also previously served on the Board of the Jewish Council of Yonkers/Westchester Community Partners and the Yonkers Public Library. Shelley lives in Yonkers with her husband of 36 years, Lee Smith. Shelley and Lee have three adult children – Aaron, Julia, and Arthur Smith.                           

District Office

222 Grace Church Street
Suite 300
Port Chester, NY 10573
Phone: 914-934-5250
Fax: 914-934-525

January 22, 2019
Update:  APPR and Tenure Legislation

APPR Legislation:

Since the Governor’s budget address on Monday, our Legislative Liaison, Tony Laurino, and our CAS Lobbyist, Bob Ungar, have been working on two issues important to our members statewide. They are reporting that after years of lobbying for a fair education evaluation system we may be on the threshold of being heard.  APPR legislation has been introduced in both the Assembly and Senate to disengage state test scores from teacher evaluations.

Assembly Education Chair Michael Benedetto and Senate Education Chair Shelly Mayer have introduced same as bills S1262 and A783 which will eliminate the mandate that school districts use state test scores to evaluate teachers.  The bill will return the decision to school districts and collective bargaining.

Kristin Curran, Bob’s Legislative Aide, has just sent us a copy of the Assembly’s teacher evaluation bill that is on the Assembly calendar for Tuesday, January 22, 2019.

In summary, this Bill is “AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to state assessments and teacher evaluations; and to amend chapter 56 of the laws of 2014, amending the education law relating to providing that standardized test scores shall not be included on a student’s permanent record, in relation to making certain provisions permanent.”

CAS Principal Tenure:

The Governor vetoed our bill to grant administrators the same tenure rights as teachers when moving from one district to another.  We will engage our attorneys to make the necessary technical changes noted by the Governor’s veto.  These are simply technical and do not change the substance of the bill.  When the changes are complete, Assemblyman Peter Abbate will sponsor the bill and we will discuss the changes with Assemblyman Benedetto and Senator Mayer.

Toward this end, your CAS/PAC donations have been extremely helpful in fueling these bills in both the Assembly and Senate.

If you would like to make a donation to our CAS/PAC please click on this link.

January 8, 2019

Update on Tenure Bill

On June 12, 2018, we informed you that ESSAA/CAS’ “Jarema” credit bill had been passed by both houses of New York’s legislature and was before the Governor for approval.  The Bill is designed to shorten the tenure period from four years to three years for administrators who previously received tenure in their administrative position in another New York school district.  That protection has been in place for many years for teachers but does not apply to administrators.

Unfortunately, on December 21, 2018, Governor Cuomo vetoed the Bill.  The Governor’s objections appear to be based upon technical flaws in the Bill that can be addressed and corrected.  Therefore, our Legal team as well as our Lobbyist and Legislative Liaison are working to address the issues outlined in the Governor’s veto and plan on sponsoring revised legislation.  We are determined to deliver this protection to public school administrators in our State and will aggressively pursue a new Bill in the hope of having a law passed by the end of 2019.

We will keep you apprised of our continued efforts.

September 15, 2018

Dear CAS Member,

CAS/PAC is the lobbying arm of the Council of Administrators and Supervisors and the means by which we gain access to our elected officials.  It is a vital piece of our legislative program.

Over the summer, I along with our lobbyist Bob Ungar, met with several key legislators to share with them the frustrations, betrayal, and disappointment felt within the educational community. We explained to them that it has become quite obvious that it is now politically easier to attack educators than it is to attack the real issues facing our communities and schools.

This month, I will continue to meet with Assembly people and Senators to stress the need for legislative changes to APPR. Carl Heastie, the Speaker of the Assembly, has recently acknowledged the problems within our schools extend beyond the classroom.  Bob and I will discuss the reality that no evaluation system will ever improve our schools, unless and until, sweeping social welfare policies and programs are implemented.   For years, private sector forces have been pushing the naively simplistic and also financially self-serving position that our failing schools are a result of poor performing teachers and administrators who are protected by the unions. The absurdity behind this is glaring self-evident, in that it totally ignores all of the socioeconomic challenges facing these communities.

We need to be following these private sector groups throughout the halls of the Capital building and exposing the absurdity and financial corruption behind their arguments. However, it’s only through your CAS/PAC donations that we will able to gain access to meaningful meetings and dialogue with our legislators.   We must now more than ever have a presence in the hallways and offices of the Capital building, but unfortunately in our system of government access can only be obtained through your CAS/PAC donations.

To that end, I ask for $50 per member which translates to less than $2 a pay check with dues deduction. You may donate through our website at or you may use CAS-PAC Payroll Deduction form and submit to your central office.

If you wish to donate by check, please send your check to our CAS/PAC office located at:

1300 Veterans Highway
Suite 330
Hauppauge, NY  11788
Thank you,
Tony Laurino
CAS Legislative Liaison

April 13, 2018

Email Addresses to NYS Senate Education Committee

Email Addresses to NYS Assembly Education Committee