CAS Honors 2022 Retirees
The Council of Administrators and Supervisors would like to express our sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks to our retirees for their years of commitment to their students, schools, and communities. On behalf of all our members, we wish each of our retirees continued good health and happiness in retirement.
Bay Shore
Donna Mandella6/30/2022
Toni BiFalco6/30/2022
Eastern Suffolk BOCES
Robert Dembia 2/28/2022
Samuel McAleese 7/1/2021
Julia Schnurman 4/28/2022
Donna Singer 6/30/2022
Michael Fee 6/30/2022
Mary Garguilo6/30/2022
Connie Malcolm-Grant6/30/2022
Great Neck Library
Donna Litke 12/31/2021
James Campbell 6/30/2022
Linda Flannelly 6/30/2022
Linda Kaye 6/30/2022
Mary Grace Lynch 7/1/2022
Cindy Nocero 7/1/2022
Patrick Smith 6/30/2022
South Country
John Frankie 6/30/2022
Robert McIntyre 12/3/2021
Three Village
Rosanne DiBella 8/31/2022
West Islip
Karen Appollo 6/30/2022
Cheri DeBellis 6/30/2022
Juanita Sherwood 6/30/2022
Dr. Wanda Toledo 6/30/2022