CAS Closes Out Fall CTLE Offerings with Thomas Murray:“Staying Personal & Authentic Amid Adversity”
Thomas Murray serves as the Director of Innovation for Future Ready SchoolsR, a Project of All4Ed, located in Washington, D.C. He has testified before the United States Congress and has worked alongside that body, the U.S. Senate, the White House, the U.S. Department of Education, and state departments of education, corporations, and school districts throughout the country to implement student-centered, personalized learning. He has also helped to lead Future Ready SchoolsR and Digital Learning Day. Murray serves as a regular conference keynote, was named the “2017 Education Thought Leader of the Year,” one of “20 to Watch” by NSBA. His book,
Learning Transformed: 8 Keys to Designing Tomorrow’s Schools, Today, was published by ASCD in 2017. His latest book,Personal & Authentic: Designing Learning Experiences that Impact a Lifetime, was released in 2019. Both are best- sellers. Connect with him at
CAS is a certified NYSED Continuing Teacher Leader Education (CTLE) sponsor, and successful participants earned two (2) hours of CTLE professional development credit applicable toward the hours needed for continuing certification.
Additional CAS CTLE Workshops are scheduled throughout the school year and communicated through email and website.
For the past two school years, the pandemic has created significant anxiety and uncertainty for teachers, administrators, parents, and, most importantly, our children. Thomas Murray, a nationally recognized teacher, and author brought a message of hope and resilience to a virtual audience of CAS school administrators on Thursday, December 12th, via Zoom. Mr. Murray captivated those present with his energy, enthusiasm for learning, and love for our school communities. Participants left the workshop buoyed by his optimism and strengthened by his strategies to create school cultures where both students and staff thrive. He discussed ways we can work to overcome fear and move forward when things don’t go as planned and how to ensure technology plays its proper role in school “innovations.” He provided vivid examples of how strong personal and authentic relationships grounded in trust and built upon empathy can create a culture for learning that can improve our classrooms and schools.