in CAS News

CAS Honors 2015 Retirees

On May 5, 2015 the Council of Administrators and Supervisors honored retirees form the Freeport, Harborfields and Smithtown Schools at the Spring Delegate Assembly held at the Plainview Holiday Inn. A large gathering attended the Delegate Assembly to thank our worthy retirees for their dedication to their schools and to wish them all of the very best life has to offer them in retirement.


CAS Retirees: Sherrion Diane Elmore, Smithtown; Susan DeLuca, Freeport; Florence Tuzzi, Harborfields; and Wayne Cronk, Harborfields

Freeport Retirement 2015:

DeLuca and Freeport

Retiree Susan DeLuca with Skip Voorneveld, CAS Executive VP; Paula Lein, President of the Freeport Administrators; Renee Crump-Dedmon, Treasurer of the Freeport Administrators; and Tony Laurino, CAS President

Harborfields Retirements 2015:

Harborfields Retirees

Retirees Wayne Cronk and Florence Tuzzi with Joanne Giordano, President of the Harborfields Administrators

Smithtown Retirement 2015:

Smithtown Retiree

Retiree Sherrion Diane Elmore with John Nocero, CAS Executive VP; Irene Westrack, President of the Smithtown Administrators; and Kevin Simmons, Principal of the Nesaquake Middle School in Smithtown

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