in CAS News


CAS News – January 2017

At the beginning of the school year, CAS focused on the development of meaningful professional development programs for our members on Long Island. To that end, we applied to NYSED and were approved as a Continuing Teacher Leader Education (CTLE) Sponsor able to provide professional development credit applicable toward hours required for certification renewal. With the guidance of CAS Executive Vice President, John Nocero, and our Director of Staff Development, Dr. LaQuita Outlaw, the CAS Leadership Institute was able to present three well-attended fall workshops for our members. Our first workshop for New Administrators focused on “School Safety, DASA, and Student Discipline.” The second workshop “Teacher Observations: Process, Protocols, and Procedures” with Andrew Greene focused on improving teacher observations, and our third workshop focused on “Social Media, Your Code of Conduct and the Law.” In all, nearly 150 CAS members completed the workshops and earned certificates for two professional development hours applicable toward continued certification. Also, CAS will be sponsoring noted author and educator Dr. Todd Whitaker at Hofstra University on March 9, 2017, for a presentation entitled “What Great Leaders Do Differently.”

Over 150 CAS members joined us at our annual Holiday Networking Party at the Huntington Hilton to share ideas, discuss their achievements for the year and their plans for the New Year! We also continued our CAS Financial Literacy Program with a workshop in November providing attendees with a great deal of critical retirement planning information.

Our February Delegate Assembly is fast approaching, and we look forward to honoring our CAS Administrators of the Year, and our Blue Ribbon Award winning schools; Harborfields High School and Syosset High School. While we have been working to expand professional opportunities and improve member benefits, our attorneys, Brad Stuhler and Mike Starvaggi, have been working closely with many of our units negotiating new contracts and finalizing APPR plans. Also, as the new legislative session begins, our CAS lobbyist, Bob Ungar, and CAS Legislative Liaison, Tony Laurino, have been in Albany on several occasions to make sure that the voices of our members are heard in the legislature.

We are also happy to announce that we have added several new benefits for our members including a Vision Plan through VSP Vision, a New York State Defensive Driving course online, and a partnership with the Oyster Bay Travel Center to assist our members planning professional and personal travel. For more CAS event information, member benefits, educational news, job opportunities, and useful professional links, please visit us at .

Please remember that each CAS member has personal and confidential access to our CAS attorneys. If you have any questions about CAS or need any assistance whatsoever, please feel free to call Brad Stuhler, Mike Starvaggi, or me at 631-761-5451.

Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year!



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