in CAS News, Featured


In response to administrators’ need to better communicate with newly arriving Spanish–speaking students and their families, CAS presented another CTLE workshop to focus on the fundamentals of Spanish conversational speech and often-used phrases that relate to everyday school situations. This after school workshop was developed by Dr. Lisette Lors, Assistant Principal at Huntington High School and presented at the

Plainview Holiday Inn on November 7, 2019. Dr. Lors enthusiastically shared her skill and expertise with the participants helping them gain the necessary introductory skills to bridge the communication gap and engage English Language Learners and their families. More importantly, the workshop served as a catalyst for the administrators in attendance to pursue more extensive strategies to engage the ever-changing student demographics of our Long Island schools.

Dr. Lors earned a Doctor of Education degree in Educational Administration and Instructional Leadership at St. John’s University and has also worked in the Bay Shore, Eastern Suffolk BOCES, and New York City Schools as both a teacher and administrator.

CAS is a certified NYSED Continuing Teacher Leader Education (CTLE) sponsor, and successful participants earned two (2) hours of CTLE professional development credit applicable toward the hours needed for continuing certification. Additional CAS CTLE Workshops are scheduled throughout the school year and communicated through email and the website.

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