On Wednesday, January 18th, Zenada Gordon, Social Worker, Counselor, Advocate, and LGBTQ+ Services Coordinator for Long Island-based Pride for Youth (PFY), presented another informative and well-received CAS CTLE Workshop entitled “LGBTQ+: Honoring All Voices” on Zoom.
Pride for Youth, a division of the Long Island Crisis Center, has served and advocated for Long Island’s LGBTQ+ Community for nearly 30 years. PFY serves as a voice for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ+) individuals. Their mission is to enhance the health and wellness of the LGBTQ+ community through education, supportive services, and personal development.
Participants learned of the services available in Nassau and Suffolk Counties for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ+) young people. They were made aware of the many free and confidential programs specifically for LGBTQ+ Youth, their parents & family members. This was another informative CAS CTLE workshop that provided the participants with practical suggestions to better meet the needs of their LGBTQ+ students and families. Many attendees left with newfound terminology and advice on how to help these fragile and underserved students.
Zenada is available to provide a variety of training to professionals in educational, health & human service, and medical provider settings. Zenada Gordon, PFY LGBTQ Services Coordinator, They/She Pronouns, (516) 679-9000 ext. 14, or zgordon@liccpfy.org.
Next CAS CTLE Workshop: Equity Walks
Date and Time:
Wednesday, February 15, 2023, from 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Equity Walks Presenters:
Dr. Timothy Piciullo, Catherine Carella-Dean, Lori Goldstein, Michelle Marrone, and Raymond Ruiz
CAS is a certified NYSED Continuing Teacher Leader Education (CTLE) sponsor, and successful participants earned two (2) hours of CTLE professional development credit applicable toward the hours needed for continuing certification.
Upcoming CAS CTLE Workshops are scheduled throughout the school year and communicated through email and the www.casliny.com website.