in CAS News, Featured

On Wednesday, January 9, 2019, Sandeep Dillon, Senior Manager of the Nassau BOCES Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Department, and Supervisor of the Nassau BOCES Network Operation Center presented a CAS CTLE Workshop entitled “Privacy in the Digital Age” at the Plainview Holiday Inn.


Sandeep shared his insight and considerable knowledge related to networks, personal privacy on the Internet and how to protect your personal information in the digital age.

The participating school administrators gained a variety of simple, common sense tools and procedures to improve and manage their passwords and reduce their unintended footprint on the web. He explored and explained many unknown functions of Google and other favorite Apps used in school and at home that gather data while tracking individual keystrokes, website history, and location. Many were unaware of the difference between security and privacy and how companies collect and use this random data. He provided many suggestions on how to better use password protected apps, limit inadvertent GPS data collection and how to create a stronger personal firewall.

Many attendees remained afterward to ask additional questions regarding smartphone, school and personal computer use.

CAS is a certified NYSED Continuing Teacher Leader Education (CTLE) sponsor, and all successful participants earned two (2) hours of CTLE professional development credit applicable toward the hours needed for continuing certification.

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