in CAS News, Featured

March 29,2022 at 4:30 PM on Zoom

To be good to others, you must be good to yourself. Join us for this workshop that will focus on personal practices that you can integrate into your life and share with those you lead. You’ll also learn about strategies that can be shared with students to improve practice and decrease stress. Walk away with tips that you can use tomorrow.

Carin Winter is the founder and CEO of Mission Be, Mindful Education and has successfully led the organization to bring mindfulness rooted in social emotional learning to thousands of adults and children. She has been studying the work of mindfulness for over 20 years and is a talented meditation teacher, gifted speaker, and visionary. Carin was a school social worker in the Islip Public School District, a clinical therapist, and holds a LMSW with a clinical background and 15 years of experience working with youth in schools, foster care, and the juvenile justice system.

This workshop is at no cost for all CAS administrators. CAS is a certified NYSED Continuing Teacher Leader Education (CTLE) sponsor, and successful participants earned two (2) hours of CTLE professional development credit applicable toward the hours needed for continuing certification.

Upcoming CAS CTLE Workshops are scheduled throughout the school year and communicated through

email and the website



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