in CAS News, Featured

Despite torrential rain and howling wind, public school administrators from across Long Island trekked to the Plainview Holiday Inn on October 16th to participate in a Workshop for New and Probationary Public School Administrators presented by veteran CAS Attorneys, Brad Stuhler and Michael Starvaggi.   The large number of enthusiastic probationers attending reflected the growing number of younger administrators entering the ranks of school administrators across Nassau and Suffolk Counties.

The first part of the workshop addressed the legal aspects of administrative tenure, seniority, and frequent workplace pitfalls confronted by new administrators. While the second part of the workshop focused on concerns regarding school safety, student discipline, and some common workplace issues facing new administrators. Brad and Mike provided practical guidance, best practices, and common-sense strategies for success through scenarios involving students, staff, and parents based upon their recent experiences. Many participants remained after the workshop to ask personal questions.

CAS is a certified NYSED Continuing Teacher Leader Education (CTLE) sponsor, and successful participants earned two (2) hours of CTLE professional development credit applicable toward the hours needed for continuing certification.

Additional CAS CTLE Workshops are scheduled throughout the school year and communicated through email and the website.

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