Dear Member,
We are following up with additional guidance on two topics of keen interest to our members: cybersecurity and the new Red Flag Law.
As you know, the protection of electronic data is an increasingly complex and important matter to school districts everywhere. We are attaching three guidance documents from the Regional Information Centers that address areas of interest to public school administrators, including Data Security Practices, Data Threat Assessment and Data Protection Reminders. We will regularly revisit this topic in our ongoing dialogue with NYSED leadership and provide you with pertinent updates as they arise.
Red Flag Law
On October 28th, we sent a summary of New York’s new Red Flag Law to our membership. We have continued to advocate with the State Education Department with respect to guidance and protection of school administrators in the implementation of this legislation. Attached is a Memorandum from Assistant Commissioner Kathleen R. DeCataldo, regarding the law. We will keep you apprised of all developments regarding this matter.