We now have an Assembly sponsor for our tenured administrators and supervisors bills.
Assemblyman Peter Abbate sponsored bill A8108 which relates to tenured administrator and supervisors who move from one district to another to serve a three year probationary period instead of four. This bill will be on the Assembly Education committee agenda soon. It is incumbent upon each member to send the following email to the members of the Assembly Education Committee. We need 1400 emails if we want this to happen.
Honorable Catherine Nolan,
The education legislation of 2015 granted a three year probationary period to tenured teachers who more from one school district to another. Since the legislation did not specifically identify administrators and supervisors they have not been included.
Bill A8108 rectifies this. I urge you vote this bill to the full Assembly for a vote since it establishes Administrator & Supervisors’ equity with the teachers.
Thank you for your consideration.
Your Name
Send same email to each Education Committee Member:
Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan, Chair of the Education Committee
Email: NolanC@nyassembly.gov
The following are members of the committee:
Carman E. Arroyo
Email: ArroyoC@nyassembly.gov
Michael Benedetto
Email: benedettom@nyassembly.gov
Anthony Brindisi
Email: brindisia@nyassembly.gov
Steve Englebright
Email: EngleS@nyassembly.gov
Al Graf
Email: grafa@nyassembly.gov
Earlene Hooper
Email: hoopere@nyassembly.gov
Ellen Jaffee
Email: JaffeeE@nyassembly.gov
Ron Kim
Email: kimR@nyassembly.gov
Peter Lawrence
Email: lawrencep@nyassembly.gov
Barbara Lifton
Email: LiftonB@nyassembly.gov
Peter D. Lopez
Email: LopezP@nyassembly.gov
William B. Magnarelli8
Email: MagnarW@nyassembly.gov
Shelly Mayer
Email: MayerS@nyassembly.gov
David G. McDonough
Email: mcdonough@nyassembly.gov
Steven F. McLauglin
Email: mclaughlins@nyassembly.gov
Michael Miller
Email: MillerMG@nyassembly.gov
Walter T. Mosley
Email: MosleyW@nyassembly.gov
Dean Murray
Email: murrayd@nyassembly.gov
Daniel J. O’Donnell
Email: OdonnellD@nyassembly.gov
Steven Otis
Email: OtisS@nyassembly.gov
Amy Paulin
Email: PaulinA@nyassembly.gov
Edward P. Ra
Email: Rae@nyassembly.gov
Phil Ramos
Email: ramosp@nyassembly.gov
Linda B. Rosenthal
Email: RosentL@nyassembly.gov
Sean Ryan
Email: RyanS@nyassembly.gov
Rebecca A. Seawright
Email: SeawrightR@nyassembly.gov
Fred W. Thiele, Jr.
Email: ThieleF@nyassembly.gov
Matthew Titone
Email: TitoneM@nyassembly.gov
Michele R. Titus
Email: TitusM@nyassembly.gov
Mary Beth Walsh
Email: walshm@nyassembly.gov
Thank you,
Anthony C. Laurino
CAS Legislative Liaison