As you may know, ESSAA has two delegates participating in NYSED’s Principal Preparation Project, Marc Baiocco (Elmsford) and Shrieen Fasciglione (Niskayuna). We thank them both for their dedication and for representing our organization so professionally in this important task.
Below is a letter from Mr. Ken Turner, the Director of the Project, requesting the input of our membership on the team’s draft recommendations.
The survey will only be available until Wednesday, May 17, 2017, so we urge our members to review Mr. Turner’s letter and participate as soon as possible.
Thank you for your leadership.
Dear ESSAA Member:
I am writing to invite you to provide feedback on an initiative that is underway in New York State. Called the “Principal Preparation Project”, the purpose is to identify how to enhance state support for the preparation of school building leaders.
BACKGROUND: Eight months ago, Commissioner Elia appointed a 37-member advisory team to identify recommendations for the Board of Regents. As this work nears completion, the team would like your help.
In part, the team is considering whether to recommend an update to the standards used to organize certification of school building leaders. The team is also weighing recommendations related to recruitment and selection, professional development, the internship, as well as mentoring for newly-appointed school building leaders.
A survey has been created to allow ESSAA members to provide feedback on draft recommendations. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. It will be available until Wednesday, May 17, 2017. The following link provides access:
Those who respond will remain anonymous. No single comment will be attributed to any single individual. Remarks that are offered will be combined in a summary and provided to members of the Advisory Team. Results will also be reported to Commissioner Elia and the NYS Board of Regents.
To learn more about the work of the advisory team, copy the following link into your web browser:
In advance, thank you for your help.
Ken Turner
Director, Principal Preparation Project
University of the State of New York – Regents Research Fund