in CAS News


On Friday, the State Education Department informed us that there was a problem with the calculation of state provided growth scores for 2014-15.  They also sent out the attached memorandum to all district Superintendents detailing the issue. The problem, as they described it, was an “inadvertent exclusion of some students from building- and principal-level growth scores, almost exclusively in grades 9-12” by their growth model vendor.

As a result of the error, the State has provided revised growth scores for the affected principals to their districts.  We have been assured that the new scores will only be applied if they increase the principal’s rating. If the change results in a decrease, it will not be applied.

Unfortunately, this error once more underscores our lack of confidence in the use of growth scores as currently constructed for teachers and principals.

If you have any questions regarding this alert, please contact us at the CAS Office at (631) 761-5451.

Click here for Memorandum

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