CAS Presents Virtual CTLE Workshop Meeting Magic: Strategies to Engage and Empower your Staff with AJ Juliani


 On Wednesday, March 24th, A. J. Juliani led a lively interactive CTLE Workshop via Zoom for over 35 CAS members and guests. Throughout the workshop he provided enthusiastic and often humorous examples of initiatives he has designed to make staff meetings and professional development initiatives more impactful. During this collaborative offering A. J. shared a...

CAS Presents Contract Negotiations Workshop

  CAS Attorneys Mike Starvaggi and Brad Stuhler presented an informative CAS Contract Negotiations Workshop for local unit leaders who will soon embark on contract negotiations for their local CAS unit. The two-hour workshop, conducted via Zoom on Tuesday, March 2 at 4:00 pm, centered on educating Administrator Negotiation Teams and CAS Unit Presidents of...