in CAS News


Each year the Empire State Supervisors & Administrators (ESSAA), our parent organization, presents one Administrator of the Year award in each of the nine regions.  CAS has so many outstanding administrators & supervisors.

You are encouraged to nominate a colleague for this prestigious award.  The award will be presented at the ESSAA meeting in Niagara on Friday, May 29th.  Flight, hotel, and meals will be comped for the winner and a guest.

Recognition criteria include but are not restricted to:

* CAS leadership

* Leadership & Curricular Vision

* Innovation

* Evidence of school, district and community involvement and leadership

Deadline to submit nomination form attached to the attention of John Nocero, CAS Office, 490 Wheeler Road, Suite 280, Hauppauge, NY 11788 by Tuesday, April 14, 2015.

ESSAA Administrator of the Year Form

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