CAS Closes Out Fall CTLE Offerings with Thomas Murray: “Staying Personal & Authentic Amid Adversity”


For the past two school years, the pandemic has created significant anxiety and uncertainty for teachers, administrators, parents, and, most importantly, our children. Thomas Murray, a nationally recognized teacher, and author brought a message of hope and resilience to a virtual audience of CAS school administrators on Thursday, December 12th, via Zoom. Mr. Murray captivated...



As the pandemic has lingered on far longer than expected, several CAS members have requested that we conduct a virtual Retirement Planning Workshop this coming January. Consequently, we have scheduled a virtual CAS Retirement Planning Workshop for Wednesday, January 12, 2022, at 4:30 pm.   It is never too early to start thinking about retirement...

CAS Presents LGBTQ+ CTLE Workshop: Honoring All Voices


On Wednesday, January 18th, Zenada Gordon, Social Worker, Counselor, Advocate, and LGBTQ+ Services Coordinator for Long Island-based Pride for Youth (PFY), presented another informative and well-received CAS CTLE Workshop entitled “LGBTQ+: Honoring All Voices” on Zoom. Pride for Youth, a division of the Long Island Crisis Center, has served and advocated for Long Island's LGBTQ+...

CAS Presents Virtual CTLE Workshop: Revving Up for Informal Observations: Tips for Digital Check-Ins for Remote Instruction


 On January 21, Dr. Shawn Robertson presented a CAS CTLE Workshop via Zoom for over forty CAS members seeking improved observational skills and credit toward continued administrative certification. Throughout this two-hour interactive workshop, Dr. Robertson helped the participants explore different models for engaging in digital check-ins. Presently, many of our schools are involved in all...

CAS Contract Negotiations 101

Join CAS Attorneys Mike Starvaggi and Brad Stuhler for a workshop to help get your negotiations off on the right foot! Network with other local unit leaders to share ideas and information about what other units have achieved through negotiations. This workshop is designed for Administrator Negotiation Teams or Unit Presidents set to initiate negotiations....