CAS Delegate Assembly – May 4, 2023 – 4:30 p.m.
Holiday Inn, Plainview 215 Sunnyside Boulevard, Plainview, NY, United StatesCAS MAY DELEGATE ASSEMBLY MEETING
As a result of the amended school counseling regulations, how are these changes impacting your school building and school community? What differences are you seeing? Fromthe Individual Progress Review(IPR)to the school counseling curriculum requirement, are the students, families, and the teachers and staff in the school building aware of the program expectations? This session will...
NYSED requires that each school building develop a comprehensive program, update it annually, and post it on your school’s website. Building principals, with their school counselors, can review the components of the comprehensive program and gather input from students, the school community, and the district Advisory Council to guide the annual update and revision. Register...
On Wednesday, January 19, Ed Kemnitzer, Director of Technology, Innovation, and Information Services for the East Williston School District presented another well-received CAS CTLE Workshop entitled “Evolving Digital Leadership and Security: Tech Tools to Leverage Tomorrow and Considerations for Cybersecurity” on Zoom. This was another information-packed CAS workshop that provided the participants with practical suggestions...